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Discover your next move

Why Tapestry?

The word tapestry comes from my belief that each person is a hand-crafted piece of art - one made of complex, overlapping, complementary and competing fabrics.

The coaching style I employ works to understand how those pieces are woven together, where they draw collective strength and reveal their perfect purpose.

Coaching Services

For Early Career Professionals

navigating those important first reputation-building steps

For Career Transitions

where you want to find your calling and purpose

For People Managers

who want serve, build, and develop high-purpose teams

For the Big

& Difficult...

situation, event, presentation, or pitch

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"I escaped a

horrible boss."

"I got clarity on what I don't want."

"I knocked the pitch out of the park."

"I decided to start my restaurant."

"I saved the company $65 million."

"I secured a million-dollar investment."

"I navigated my

first manager role."

"I reframed and rebooted my role."

"I launched a

wedding venue."

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About Me

My career started in high technology and business transformation. But after leading a 7,000-employee culture transformation and launching a development program for early career professionals, I heard my call to coaching.

Now, I have the privilege of seeing intricate tapestries every day. Together, we navigate some of life's most complex decisions and interactions.

I live in the Dallas, TX area with my wife and four children. We enjoy exploring the world together. I am a former pickleball hater.


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